
There are two main reasons I am creating this blog.

#1 Debt

Did you know that one in four Americans are paying off student loans? Unfortunately, Daniel and I are no exception. We believe that one of the best things you can do to start paying those loans off is to stop eating out! Period. You can save so much money by eating at home and all that money saved can go right to paying off your debt. Plus, homemade food tastes so much better. 

#2 The Meal-Planning Burnout. It's a real thing.

Because I cook all three meals every single day for my family, I become burned out. I don't mind the cooking, but I absolutely dread the meal planning. I seem to run out of ideas so quickly and start going to recipe blogs. Those are great, but I wanted to find a blog that just had simple everyday meals. I wanted a blog that had normal people meal plans for every day of the week. I have yet to find one, so I'm making my own. I'm hoping this will help me when I'm feeling the meal-plan-burnout to easily remember past meals that my family loved and that we haven't had in a while. 

One more bonus reason:

Family meal time is so important. A simple google search and credible sources will tell you just how beneficial eating as a family every night can be. It helps children and families to thrive! 

Happy Eating!
